Thursday, August 5, 2010

Swim Lessons Again

My youngest has recently started swim lessons. He is doing great; however, he is not afraid of the water at all. If he had his way we would let him loose in the water. He forgets that he has not idea how to swim. I am hoping this class teachers him how to be safe in the water, but I do not think he is paying attention enough to understand the teacher. He is so busy during the whole class trying to get out of our hands and do his own thing. He will learn eventually...I hope!!
My oldest has started private lessons because I did not think she was learning too much in group lessons. She is doing great and really learning how to swim. The techniques she has learned in just a few weeks are great. She is even practicing outside of the water. This is her 6th swim class, but the first one where she is one on one with the teacher and I think it makes all of the difference. I will definitely sign my youngest up for private sessions when he is 3. I think by that age kids are ready to learn and need more than just games to get comfortable in the water.

The summer of broken plans

I am not sure why this is, but for some reason this summer everyone makes plans with my kids and than never follow through. I actually stopped telling them what plans we had because my 3 year old would get so disappointed when the other person would not show up. It started right in the beginning of summer with someone inviting us to Longwood and the day of cancelled. Than there was the person who invited us over to swim and never followed through, which was followed by the person who asked us to meet at a park for a play date and never followed through. The final one was someone inviting us to a museum and than again NOT FOLLOWING THROUGH!!! What is the deal with people? I always try to keep my appointments in order not to disappoint the other adults children, but it seems no one has trouble disappointing my kids!! Here is the crazy thing, they were the ones inviting us! Why invite us somewhere and than not follow through? Whatever. My kids and I still have a great time together. We tend not to invite people along because I am sure they WOULD NEVER SHOW UP!!!