Friday, November 20, 2009


So here I am blogging on a Friday night. Time is such an issue for me these days. I am so busy now that I am back at work. Working as a mother of two kids is much harder then it was with one kid. At the same time, life with two kids is so much fun. Kiki and baby K are so funny together. Kiki will do anything to make baby K laugh. It is really rather cute. Anyway, getting back to time. Life with two is great, but time is not something that I have to myself anymore. I go to work early, spend my morning catching up on paperwork, teach all day, pick up the kids, spend time with them, cook dinner, get the kids ready for bed and by then I am ready to crash so I go to bed. Time is something I need to find in order to keep up with the house, get ahead of myself at work, and relax. I guess I will have some time in about eighteen to twenty years, right? In the whole scheme of things, all the things can wait because the time I am spending with my kids is time I can never get back. =)